Knowledge Studies Course
E-mail address of each faculty is a character sequence after "Mail: " with ".tsukuba.ac.jp." For instance, E-mail address of TSUJI Keita is keita@slis.tsukuba.ac.jp.
GOTO Yoshihiro (Professor)
Theme : Media Sociology, History of Social Thought, and Mass Communication Theory
I have studied the media theories of Masakazu NAKAI (1900–1952), the first vice-director of the National Diet Library, from the viewpoints of intellectual history. This laboratory accepts students who have a creative theme that is related to not only intellectual history, but to media theories and sociology as well. The themes of students include the study of blogs, advertising posters hung in trains, juvenile book publishing, and cosplayers.
Mail: ygoto@slis [More detailed information]
JOHO Hideo (Professor) Best Faculty Member 2021 (Research)
Theme : Human Information Interaction, User Study Experiment, and Information Retrieval Systems
My research area is Interactive Information Retrieval, which involves new approaches to accessing knowledge and information resources based on the understanding of people’s cognitive and affective behavior. I am also interested in understanding the effects of context in seeking and retrieving information. My recent work includes the investigation of collaborative search.
Mail: hideo@slis [More detailed information]
MAESHIRO Tetsuya (Professor)
Theme : Elucidation of a Life Process, Relationship between Various Things, and Use of Technical Knowledge
My research focuses on analyzing the usage and characteristics of technical knowledge. In biology and medical science, there are many phenomena that are not comprehended. We deliberate on the practical usage of computers and knowledge, expression method of intricate phenomena, and method of intelligible explanation so as to comprehend these phenomena. We also get objects around the world as the network, and do research on their structural properties and relationships.
Mail: maeshiro@slis [More detailed information]
MATSUBARA Masaki (Associate Professor)
Theme : Cognitive Science, Kansei Engineering, Embodied Knowledge and Artistic Expression
How can we hone our skills and sensibilities in the arts such as music, art, dance, drama, Sado (Japanese tea ceremony), and Kyudo (Japanese archery)? And how can we support their learning through interaction with AI? I am interested in embodied knowledge in the arts, and artistic expression to refine physical skills. In particular, I am focusing on the cognitive aspects of embodiment, and working on cognitive interaction design that promotes the acquisition of new perspectives and awareness of one's own way of being.
Mail: masaki@slis [More detailed information]
MATSUBAYASHI Mamiko (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Information Behavior, Media Analysis, and Communication
My research focuses on the mechanism of the usage of media (e.g., reading books, magazines, and newspapers, or using the Internet) and the connection between the usage of media and the type of media (e.g., the difference between Internet life and analog life).
Mail: mamiko@slis [More detailed information]
TERACHI Minako (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Visual Media, Technography of Media, Media Sociology, and Visual Culture Studies
Using fieldwork, I have been clarifying the people's reception of television in 1950s’ rural areas, when television appeared as a brand-new visual media. In order to consider the future of media and information acquisition, I am now researching for the modern visual media and devices such as smart phones, tablets, large screens, and projections. This research consists of multiple perspectives including the content, the technology, and the legal system.
Mail: minakota@slis [More detailed information]
TERUYAMA Junko (Associate Professor) Chief, Knowledge Sciences Course
Theme : Cultural Anthropology and Medical Anthropology
Developmental disability, such as high-functioning autism and learning disability, is also known as "disability of communication." However, what exactly does it mean to have a disability of communication, and how does it relate to values and practices of our society/culture? My work is based on an ethnographic approach including interviews and participant observation.
Mail: teruyama@slis [More detailed information]
TOSHIMORI Atsushi (Professor) Best Faculty Member 2019 (Social contribution and university administration)
Theme : Behavioral Modeling, Elucidation of Preference Consciousness, and Plan of District Facilities
At present, we have various means of getting information and knowledge, such as watching TV, reading the newspaper, and browsing the Internet. We analyze the behavior through a mathematical model built from users’ preference and choice behavior, and apply the behavioral model to the political model.
Mail: tosimori@slis [More detailed information]
TSUJI Keita (Associate Professor)
Theme : Book Recommendation, Reference Service, and Library and Information Science Education
If you knew in advance which words would be used for a long time and which would quickly disappear, you could make good use of the information in various fields. Examples are the prospects of the trends and the selection of the vocabulary entry. I study the method of the automatic creation of English-Japanese dictionaries or synonym dictionaries based on the Web, while performing such prediction computational linguistically. On the other hand, I study Library and Information Science Education and the library staff.
Mail: keita@slis [More detailed information]
YE Shaoyu (Associate Professor)
Theme : Construction of Social Networks via different Media Usages and Influence of Media Usage on Interpersonal Communication
Recently, usages of LINE and Facebook have become more and more prevalent. They can not only be used as social media to unspecific persons, but also can be used as a tool to communicate with “specific contact person.” My research mainly aims to clarify how these usages, compared to voice calls and traditional CMC such as email, relate to their construction of social networks and interpersonal relationships with others. In addition, my research also focuses on whether these relationships would be different or not due to user’s personality traits, and so on.
Mail: shaoyu@slis [More detailed information]
YOKOYAMA Mikiko (Associate Professor)
Theme : Knowledge, Language, and Meaning
Based on analytic philosophy, my research focuses on “what knowledge is”, “what kind of case knowledge is right” “the objectivity of knowledge”, “what kind of case we feel we share knowledge”, and “what you think about accumulated knowledge”. It seeks to answer “what the understanding of languages is”, “what the meaning of languages is”, and “what the understanding of the meaning of languages is”.
Mail: mikiko@slis [More detailed information]
YOSHIKANE Fuyuki (Professor)
Theme : Researchers' Productivity, Cooperative Research Network, and Bibliometrics
My research aims to determine what type of cooperative research network we must construct to improve researchers’ productivity or spread out the network. We analyze the connection between researchers’ productivity and the importance of the cooperative research network, including the application of the network to their academic policy.
Mail: fuyuki@slis [More detailed information]
YU Haitao (Associate Professor)
Theme : Intelligent Information Science and Interactive Information Retrieval
Facing the era of information overload and big data, new technologies are essential to information access in order to fulfill the needs of our lives. The technique of Interactive Information Retrieval allows user interaction and provides adaptive search results. Essentially it can be viewed as context-driven information retrieval, the context information includes previously submitted queries, interactive behaviors, etc. Fine-grained issues include user intent identification, behavior understanding, adaptive item ranking, etc.
Mail: yuhaitao@slis [More detailed information]
Knowledge Information Systems Course
E-mail address of each faculty is a character sequence after "Mail: " with ".tsukuba.ac.jp." For instance, E-mail address of TSUJI Keita is keita@slis.tsukuba.ac.jp.
ITO Hiroyoshi (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Human Computation
I have studied machine learning models especially theories and applications of matrix decomposition for documents and social network analysis. I am interested in modeling the mechanisms of friendships in SNS, and cooperative model learning by human and machine.
Mail: ito@slis [More detailed information]
KATO P. Makoto (Associate Professor) Best Faculty Member 2022 (Research)
Theme : Data Search, Web Data Mining, Search Behavior Analysis
The goal of my research is to encourage people’s data-driven decision making by realizing easy access to knowledge inferred from quantitative data, for counteracting inaccurate or uncertain information on the Web. Topics of my interest include crawling, organization, search, understanding, summarization, reasoning, presentation, and search behavior understanding of data, especially, statistical data published on the Web, based on machine learning techniques.
Mail: mpkato@slis [More detailed information]
KIM SunKyoung (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Human-Computer Interaction, Learning, Cognitive Science
I conduct research on individualized learning support by means of technology. The goal of my research is to understand the influence of perception or emotions on learning in technology-mediated learning environments, such as using computers, robots, wearable devices, and virtual reality. I mainly use psychophysical and psychophysiological methods.
Mail: kimsun@slis [More detailed information]
MATSUMURA Atsushi (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Knowledge Information Retrieval System, The Knowledge Excavation from Information, Analysis of Users Demand
The bigger the volume of information, the more important it is to be able to cull what is useful. I thus study the methods of finding and organizing knowledge from various sources, the relationship between situations and the demand, and the aim of utilizing the knowledge information retrieval systems that connect the people’s demand and the knowledge that is omnipresent in society.
Mail: matsumur@slis [More detailed information]
NAGAI Masakatsu (Professor)
Theme : Museum Informatics, Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Ancient Orient Civilization, and Egyptian Language
His research focuses on the digitization of cultural heritage (documents, physical materials, etc.) and the utilization of digitized information. His main area of interest is Ancient Orient Civilizations. He also studies ancient Egyptian language (Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, Demotic, and Coptic) from the point of view of linguistics.
Mail: mnagai@slis [More detailed information]
OSAWA Fumito (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Use of Multimedia in Educational Sites and Use of the Computer in Educational Sites
The use of the computer and multimedia in educational sites has been changing since the subject “Information” was introduced in high school education. My research focuses on such use of the computer and multimedia, while adapting to the changing times.
Mail: osawa@slis [More detailed information]
SAKAGUCHI Tetsuo (Associate Professor)
Theme : Anti-spam Technologies for E-mail, Technologies of Applications on the Next-Generation Internet, and the Development of Systems which Boost the Storing and Sharing of Information
On the Internet, the opportunities and methods of getting and transmitting information are increasing but people have not yet been able to master most of them. In e-mail communication, it is essential to sift out spam from important e-mail messages. We can also use the Internet for wide-ranging purposes, not only in accessing the next-generation WWW such as WEB2.0. Thus, I study technical developments that enable humans to store and share information easily for proper purposes through the Internet.
Mail: saka@slis [More detailed information]
SEKI Yohei (Professor) Chief, Knowledge Information Systems Course, Best Faculty Member 2024 (Research)
Theme : Information Access, Natural Language Processing, and Communication Support
My research interests lie in the area of information access technologies (IAT) from texts, such as news, the Web, etc.—in particular, sentiment analysis, summarization, and multilingual application. My recent work includes collaborative annotation technologies based on collective intelligence, cross-media (or cross-document genre) IAT, and evaluations on IAT.
Mail: yohei@slis [More detailed information]
SUZUKI Nobutaka (Professor) Chair, College of Knowledge and Library Sciences
Theme : XML, Structured Documents, and Algorithms
Structured documents, such as XML and HTML, have become the de facto standard data format on the Web and have been spreading rapidly. On the other hand, a number of important problems on schema languages (e.g., DTD, W3C XML Schema) and query languages (e.g., XPath) have been shown to be intractable. One of my research interests is to find efficient algorithms for solving such intractable problems (e.g., identifying subclasses of problems that can be solved efficiently).
Mail: nsuzuki@slis [More detailed information]
TAKAKU Masao (Associate Professor)
Theme : Information Retrieval, Information Behavior, and Digital Library
My research area is information retrieval and information integration systems. Recent research explores an effective methodology on creating, disseminating, managing and providing digital documents, and develops an user study based approach on how people seek documents and learn from them.
Mail: masao@slis [More detailed information]
TOKII Maki (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Computational Physics, and Computer Simulation
“Magnetic materials” are applied to various aspects. An example is the “storage medium,” which records various data (information), such as letters, numeral values, images and sound, and the parts of the machine. My research interest is the theoretical calculation of magnetic materials.
Mail: tmaki@slis [More detailed information]
UDA Norihiko (Professor)
Theme : Investigation of the Phenomenon of Knowledge Sharing, Multi-layered Resource Management, and Smart Library
The purpose of the College of Knowledge and Library Sciences is understood as the investigation of the phenomenon of knowledge sharing. What is the process of knowledge transfer and sharing? What is the relationship between records and knowledge stored in libraries, archives, and museums? In our laboratory, we consider the relationship between records and knowledge as information resource management, and aim to construct a new model of library called smart library.
Mail: uda@slis [More detailed information]
YAMAMOTO Shuhei (Associate Professor)
Theme : Behavior Modeling, Multi-modal Data Analysis, and Machine Learning
I have researched data analysis and modeling that utilize machine learning to realize decision-making and behavioral support for people. Topics of my interest include developing data mining technologies by fusion between machine learning and knowledge in other domains and analyzing multi-modal data obtained by observing people's behavior.
Mail: syamamoto@slis [More detailed information]
Information Resources Management Course
E-mail address of each faculty is a character sequence after "Mail: " with ".tsukuba.ac.jp." For instance, E-mail address of TSUJI Keita is keita@slis.tsukuba.ac.jp.
BARYSHEV Eduard (Associate Professor)
Theme : History of International Relations, Comparative Social History, and Archival Studies
My research interests concern primarily the history of international relations, the history of Eurasia and the history of the East Asia in modern times. At the same time I continue to study about different archival collections of the world, from the viewpoint of archival science. The research topic I am especially interested in is ‘archives and historical consciousness in different cultures in the Information Age’.
Mail: baryshev@slis [More detailed information]
DONKAI Saori (Professor) Best Faculty Member 2017 (Social contribution and university administration)
Theme : Library Cultural History, Knowledge and Information Infrastructure
My research interests are around the history of libraries and information media. In order to build a better future for libraries, it is essential not only to understand their current situation, but also to know their history. I try to approach the history of libraries and other information media from the standpoint of knowledge infrastructure.
Mail: donkai@slis [More detailed information]
HARA Atsuyuki (Assistant Professor)
Theme : The Library in Europe, Library Cultural History, and International Comparison of Libraries
My research deals with social and historical studies on the development of libraries and reading practices in Germany and Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries. The 18th century was the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Intensified publishing activity gave more people the opportunity to read books, and it was thus in this period that public library came into existence. My research is also interested in comparative studies of contemporary Japan and Germany. There are differences in the two countries’ policies and services, since Germany is a federal state and Japan is not. Research on the history of the library in Japan after the Meiji era is also important for making comparative studies.
Mail: ahara@slis [More detailed information]
IKEUCHI Atsushi (Associate Professor) Chief, Information Resources Management Course
Theme : Public Library Policy, Library Evaluation, and Econometric Analysis of the Web
My research focuses on the optimal supply for tax-supported public libraries, which are established and managed from various viewpoints. I am also interested in the evaluation method of libraries and the research on the changes in the quantity, structure, and contents of the web.
Mail: atsushi@slis [More detailed information]
KOIZUMI Masanori (Associate Professor) Best Faculty Member 2020 (Research)
Theme : Library Strategy, Public Governance and Public Libraries, Collection Development, and Evaluation for Libraries
My research focuses on how libraries or other similar institutions provide information resources and their services to citizens, and how they solve social problems by using their resources in local societies. Especially I am currently looking at them based on three levels, (1)Government (public policy), (2)Libraries (management), (3)Citizens (library users), from the perspectives of management or governance.
Mail: koizumi@slis [More detailed information]
MURAI Maiko (Associate Professor)
Theme : Intellectual Property Law, and Copyright Law
My research focuses on the Copyright Law and Intellectual Property Law systems, such as the Patent Act, Trademark Act, and Unfair Competition Prevention Act, from juristic viewpoints. The Intellectual Property Law systems limit the rights to information that should otherwise be available for free. Thus, it is important to balance the protection of rights to such information and the limitations of those rights. We consider how laws are applied and what types of systems are desirable through the study of precedents and the construction of the provisions.
Mail: myco@slis [More detailed information]
MURATA Koji (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Archival Science, Transfer and Management of Memories, and Pre-Modern Western Eurasian History
Based on the methodology of historical science, I study how the archives of the Byzantine Empire (4th to 15th century CE) were formed and have transmitted. My research also concerns the process of selecting memories/information and its significance in the past society by examining a wider range of historical sources, as well as methodologies and practices for presenting those memories to future generations.
Mail: kmurata@slis [More detailed information]
NISHIKAWA Kai (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Knowledge Commons, Information Policy, Scholarly Communication, and Scientometrics
I am interested in institutions for the production and management of knowledge resources. My current empirical research focuses on cases involving digitized scholarly information or cultural heritage.
Mail: knishikawa@slis [More detailed information]
OHBA Ichiro (Assistant Professor) Best Faculty Member 2009 (Education)
Theme : Public Library, Library Personnel, and Information Service (Reference Service)
My research concentrates on information services and the adequacy of library staff (mainly in public, school, and university libraries). For their graduation thesis, students explore the following fields, based on their awareness: (1) various services of the libraries, (2) information services in the libraries, (3) reading activity in school education and lifelong learning, and (4) the training of library staff (education induction).
Mail: iohba@slis [More detailed information]
ONO Haruki (Assistant Professor)
Theme : School Library, Learning Information Resources, Information Education, and Library and Information Science
The main research areas are the roles of school libraries as the basis for secondary education and the usage behavior of information resources by students in learning. The main research methods include the research and development of learning support systems based on data analysis results derived from learning outcomes, utterance records, etc. In particular, my recent focus is on the cooperation between high schools and university libraries, aimed at widely examining an ideal form of consistent information literacy education.
Mail: milkya@slis [More detailed information]
SHIRAI Tetsuya (Professor) Best Faculty Member 2013 (Social contribution and university administration)
Theme : Disaster Archive, Historical Materials, and Archival Science
I study Japanese history from the 16th to the 19th centuries and its fundamental materials, such as topographies. I conduct research on history and the function, interpretation, research, preservation, and use of historical materials. Currently, I am interested in theories and the practical issues regarding the preservation and use of the records and memories of local communities. I consider the various factors altogether while learning from experiences in archival science or museology.
Mail: tetsushi@slis [More detailed information]
SUZUKI Kanae (Professor)
Theme : Youth, Reading, and the Influence of Media
My research concentrates on the actual use of printed/visual/electronic media, and their effects on children and adolescents. Printed media include books, newspapers, and comic books; and visual/electronic media, video games, television, and the Internet. I examine the effects of these media on academic and interpersonal/psychological aspects. I am interested in reading activities and their effects on the school or community; the daily use of media and their effects; and the use and effects of media in studying.
Mail: kanae@slis [More detailed information]
TAKARA Kouya (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Information Law, Data Protection, and Criminal Law
I am conducting research on issues related to information and communication technology from the perspectives of information law and criminal law. This study aims to propose solutions to such issue. The main research subjects are the development of a legal theory for social implementation of new technologies, a legal theory for the protection of information including personal information, and a legal theory for cybercrime prevention.
Mail: takara@slis [More detailed information]
TAKEDA Masaki (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Public Library Services in an Aging Society, Universal Information Environments for Senior Citizens, and Information Literacy
With the goal of creating a universal information environment, my research concerns the effects of information source and structures on information source selection and actors. I especially focus on quantitative analysis of the cognition, psychology, and behaviors of actors by modeling. At present, I am interested in information behavior of older adults based on characteristics of their cognition, estimation of older adults’ latent needs for public library services, and evaluation of library services for older adults.
Mail: masakita@slis [More detailed information]
YOSHIDA Yuko (Professor)
Theme : Public Librarianship, Public Library Services in Northern Europe, and History of American Public Libraries
My research field is public library services in northern Europe. I am also interested in the historical development of American public libraries. In order to consider libraries from various viewpoints, I am examining related issues such as cultural diversity, self-directed learning, and reading community.
Mail: yyoshida@slis [More detailed information]