Knowledge Information Systems Course
SUZUKI Nobutaka (Professor) Chair, College of Knowledge and Library Sciences
Theme : XML, Structured Documents, and Algorithms
Structured documents, such as XML and HTML, have become the de facto standard data format on the Web and have been spreading rapidly. On the other hand, a number of important problems on schema languages (e.g., DTD, W3C XML Schema) and query languages (e.g., XPath) have been shown to be intractable. One of my research interests is to find efficient algorithms for solving such intractable problems (e.g., identifying subclasses of problems that can be solved efficiently).
Mail: nsuzuki@slis [More detailed information]
UDA Norihiko (Professor)
Theme : Investigation of the Phenomenon of Knowledge Sharing, Multi-layered Resource Management, and Smart Library
The purpose of the College of Knowledge and Library Sciences is understood as the investigation of the phenomenon of knowledge sharing. What is the process of knowledge transfer and sharing? What is the relationship between records and knowledge stored in libraries, archives, and museums? In our laboratory, we consider the relationship between records and knowledge as information resource management, and aim to construct a new model of library called smart library.
Mail: uda@slis [More detailed information]
KATO P. Makoto (Associate Professor) Best Faculty Member 2022 (Research)
Theme : Data Search, Web Data Mining, Search Behavior Analysis
The goal of my research is to encourage people’s data-driven decision making by realizing easy access to knowledge inferred from quantitative data, for counteracting inaccurate or uncertain information on the Web. Topics of my interest include crawling, organization, search, understanding, summarization, reasoning, presentation, and search behavior understanding of data, especially, statistical data published on the Web, based on machine learning techniques.
Mail: mpkato@slis [More detailed information]
SAKAGUCHI Tetsuo (Associate Professor)
Theme : Anti-spam Technologies for E-mail, Technologies of Applications on the Next-Generation Internet, and the Development of Systems which Boost the Storing and Sharing of Information
On the Internet, the opportunities and methods of getting and transmitting information are increasing but people have not yet been able to master most of them. In e-mail communication, it is essential to sift out spam from important e-mail messages. We can also use the Internet for wide-ranging purposes, not only in accessing the next-generation WWW such as WEB2.0. Thus, I study technical developments that enable humans to store and share information easily for proper purposes through the Internet.
Mail: saka@slis [More detailed information]
SEKI Yohei (Professor) Chief, Knowledge Information Systems Course
Theme : Information Access, Natural Language Processing, and Communication Support
My research interests lie in the area of information access technologies (IAT) from texts, such as news, the Web, etc.—in particular, sentiment analysis, summarization, and multilingual application. My recent work includes collaborative annotation technologies based on collective intelligence, cross-media (or cross-document genre) IAT, and evaluations on IAT.
Mail: yohei@slis [More detailed information]
TAKAKU Masao (Associate Professor)
Theme : Information Retrieval, Information Behavior, and Digital Library
My research area is information retrieval and information integration systems. Recent research explores an effective methodology on creating, disseminating, managing and providing digital documents, and develops an user study based approach on how people seek documents and learn from them.
Mail: masao@slis [More detailed information]
YAMAMOTO Shuhei (Associate Professor)
Theme : Behavior Modeling, Multi-modal Data Analysis, and Machine Learning
I have researched data analysis and modeling that utilize machine learning to realize decision-making and behavioral support for people. Topics of my interest include developing data mining technologies by fusion between machine learning and knowledge in other domains and analyzing multi-modal data obtained by observing people's behavior.
Mail: syamamoto@slis [More detailed information]
TOKII Maki (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Computational Physics, and Computer Simulation
“Magnetic materials” are applied to various aspects. An example is the “storage medium,” which records various data (information), such as letters, numeral values, images and sound, and the parts of the machine. My research interest is the theoretical calculation of magnetic materials.
Mail: tmaki@slis [More detailed information]
ITO Hiroyoshi (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Human Computation
I have studied machine learning models especially theories and applications of matrix decomposition for documents and social network analysis. I am interested in modeling the mechanisms of friendships in SNS, and cooperative model learning by human and machine.
Mail: ito@slis [More detailed information]
KIM SunKyoung (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Human-Computer Interaction, Learning, Cognitive Science
I conduct research on individualized learning support by means of technology. The goal of my research is to understand the influence of perception or emotions on learning in technology-mediated learning environments, such as using computers, robots, wearable devices, and virtual reality. I mainly use psychophysical and psychophysiological methods.
Mail: kimsun@slis [More detailed information]
MATSUMURA Atsushi (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Knowledge Information Retrieval System, The Knowledge Excavation from Information, Analysis of Users Demand
The bigger the volume of information, the more important it is to be able to cull what is useful. I thus study the methods of finding and organizing knowledge from various sources, the relationship between situations and the demand, and the aim of utilizing the knowledge information retrieval systems that connect the people’s demand and the knowledge that is omnipresent in society.
Mail: matsumur@slis [More detailed information]
OSAWA Fumito (Assistant Professor)
Theme : Use of Multimedia in Educational Sites and Use of the Computer in Educational Sites
The use of the computer and multimedia in educational sites has been changing since the subject “Information” was introduced in high school education. My research focuses on such use of the computer and multimedia, while adapting to the changing times.
Mail: osawa@slis [More detailed information]